Online Directory

Secure, Online Directory for Members of FCCJ.

FCCJ Online Directory

The online directory is for members of FCCJ. It is secure, safe, and available wherever you are.

How to access our online directory

*You first need to email and let us know what email you would like to be your username.*

This new system is designed to be able to allow you to add and edit your own information and picture. Here is a step-by-step guide for how to access and update your information.

1. Go online to or download the free mobile app for Instant Church Directory.

2. Click on “Church Member Sign In.”

3. Choose “Create Login.”

4. You will enter an email address that is on record for you in the church office. If you’re unsure about what email address(es) may be listed for you (or the one you enter doesn’t work), contact the church office to clarify.

5. Create and confirm a password for your account, and click “Submit.” (Again, if this doesn’t work, and you get a message that says, “The email address you entered cannot be found. Please check the spelling or contact your church directory administrator,” it may be that there is a different email address on record for you. Just call the church office and we’ll get it straightened out.)

6. Once you have accessed the Directory, at the top of the website (or under Menu on the app) you will see “Edit My Family.” Click on that to begin editing your information. You can update photos, names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

7. Note that the information you edit will be submitted for approval by the office before it goes live on the Directory. While you can add, delete, and change as much as you want before you “Submit Edits,” once you hit submit, you cannot submit changes again until after the initial edits have been approved in the office (typically within one business day). So be sure to check the information carefully before submitting.

We hope this Directory will be a blessing to you. If you have any questions, or have difficulty accessing the Directory or making edits, feel free to contact Nina or Wade or hit the contact button below.